Where Science Meets Movie Marketing
The Pathway to Selling Incremental Tickets to Your Movies
Find the Perfect Audience
We apply our proprietary psychological and social analysis, in partnership with major circuits, to analyze the data of 70 million circuit loyalty members, matching their personality profiles to the attributes of your film
Craft the Right Message
We then analyze each moviegoer's preferences, interests and social behaviors to generate messages that are most likely to resonate with each individual loyalty member
Reward Engagement
Our messages include instantly redeemable movie-related rewards, based on each individual's psychological profile, to encourage consumer engagement and theatrical movie ticket transactions
Allow Instant Ticket Purchase
We enable and track instant and seamless ticket purchasing, directing respondents to any theater in the country directly from our email, social message, or text
Follow Up Weeks 2 and 3
We continue to message during chase weeks to those that have yet to transact, ensuring less weekly box office drop-off